Trains & Track
Kadee Kadee 513 | A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Trucks with 36" Smooth Back Wheels - Metal Fully Sprung (HO Scale)
#513 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Trucks with 36" Smooth Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw.Mounting Screws not Included. The ASF® 100-ton Roller Bearing Truck is from the modern diesel era. It has standard 36 inch wheels and a longer wheel base than the 50 or 70 ton roller bearing trucks. Our model is a faithful reproduction of the American Steel Foundries® Ride Control® truck. This truck is currently in use under a variety of rolling stock in North America. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Code 110 (.110) #522 36" Smooth Back Wheels #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #637 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #513 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Trucks (assembled) (2) #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 518 | Barber® S-2 70-Ton Roller Bearing Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - Metal Fully Sprung (HO Scale)
#518 Barber® S-2 70-Ton Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw.Mounting Screws not Included. The Barber S-2 70-ton Roller Bearing truck is a logical development from the original friction bearing truck first introduced in the 1940's. Our truck is based on a prototype built in 1967, however, the basic design was first introduced in the late 1950's. The sturdiness of the Barber® S-2 truck is evidenced by the forty plus years it has rode the rails to date. A careful observer will spot these trucks in interchange use today. This truck can be used under almost any pre-1970 built 70-ton rolling stock. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Code 110 (.110) #520 33" Smooth Back Wheels #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #637 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #518 Barber® S-2 70-Ton Trucks (assembled) (2) #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 501 | Arch Bar Trucks with 33" Ribbed Back Wheels - Metal Fully Sprung | HO Scale
#501 Arch Bar Trucks with 33" Ribbed Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw.Mounting Screws not Included. The Arch Bar Truck is typical of these trucks from around the turn of the century. Despite the age of these trucks, they saw more than seventy years of service in some applications. The arch bar was allowed in interchange service until about 1941. On railroads that were not common carriers such as logging or other industrial lines, this restriction of the trucks did not apply since the trucks did not operate on rails other than the owner's. The Northern Pacific, for example, used truss rod frame maintenance of way cars fitted with arch bar trucks well into the early 1970's. Many logging railroads also used them at least until then. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Code 110 (.110) #523 33" Ribbed Back Wheels Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #637 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #501 Arch Bar Trucks (assembled) The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 558 | Barber® S-2 70-Ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - Metal Fully Sprung (HO Scale)
#558 Barber® S-2 70-Ton Self Centering Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with Kadee Self Centering bushing on a flat surface with a #2 or 2-56 screw or without the Kadee Self Centering bushing on a 0.140" or smaller molded on truck post secured with the original screw. The Barber S-2 70-ton Roller Bearing truck is a logical development from the original friction bearing truck first introduced in the 1940's. Our truck is based on a prototype built in 1967, however, the basic design was first introduced in the late 1950's. The sturdiness of the Barber® S-2 truck is evidenced by the forty plus years it has rode the rails to date. A careful observer will spot these trucks in interchange use today. This truck can be used under almost any pre-1970 built 70-ton rolling stock. The Bettendorf Double Truss Truck was introduced in the 1930's by U.S. railroads and was allowed to be used in interchange service through 1993. The Kadee® #500, #502 & #550 represent 50- ton trucks for 100,000 pound cars. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Self Centering Action - Trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Code 110 (.110) #520 33" Smooth Back Wheels #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Self Centering Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #637 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #558 Barber® S-2 70-Ton Self Centering Trucks (assembled) (2) #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster (2) Each Self Centering Bushing (2) Each #2 Screw The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 524 | 28" Diameter Smooth Back Metal Code 110 Wheels - Freight and Passenger (HO Scale)
#555 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks with 36" Smooth Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with Kadee Self Centering bushing on a flat surface with a #2 or 2-56 screw or without the Kadee Self Centering bushing on a 0.140" or smaller molded on truck post secured with the original screw. The A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Truck is from the modern diesel era. It has standard 36 inch wheels and a longer wheel base than the 50 or 70 ton roller bearing trucks. Our model is a faithful reproduction of the American Steel Foundries® Ride Control® truck. This truck is currently in use under a variety of rolling stock in North America. The Bettendorf Double Truss Truck was introduced in the 1930's by U.S. railroads and was allowed to be used in interchange service through 1993. The Kadee® #500, #502 & #550 represent 50- ton trucks for 100,000 pound cars. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Self Centering Action - Trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Code 110 (.110) #523 36" Smooth Back Wheels #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Self Centering Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #638 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #555 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks (assembled) (2) #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster (2) Each Self Centering Bushing (2) Each #2 Screw The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 555 | A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks with 36" Smooth Back Wheels - Metal Fully Sprung (HO Scale)
#555 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks with 36" Smooth Back Wheels - HO ScaleMetal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks Mounts with Kadee Self Centering bushing on a flat surface with a #2 or 2-56 screw or without the Kadee Self Centering bushing on a 0.140" or smaller molded on truck post secured with the original screw. The A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Truck is from the modern diesel era. It has standard 36 inch wheels and a longer wheel base than the 50 or 70 ton roller bearing trucks. Our model is a faithful reproduction of the American Steel Foundries® Ride Control® truck. This truck is currently in use under a variety of rolling stock in North America. The Bettendorf Double Truss Truck was introduced in the 1930's by U.S. railroads and was allowed to be used in interchange service through 1993. The Kadee® #500, #502 & #550 represent 50- ton trucks for 100,000 pound cars. HO-Scale Metal Fully Sprung Trucks Features: Self Centering Action - Trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Code 110 (.110) #523 36" Smooth Back Wheels #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Sprung Trucks Metal Sideframes & Fully Sprung Self Centering Bolster Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels #638 HO Scale Truck Springs Patent number 5,768,999 Package Includes: (2) Each #555 A.S.F.® 100-ton Roller Bearing Self Centering Trucks (assembled) (2) #442 Brake Pads - Wide Bolster (2) Each Self Centering Bushing (2) Each #2 Screw The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 582 | Barber - Bettendorf Self Centering Caboose Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - HGC (HO Scale)
#582 Barber - Bettendorf Self Centering Caboose Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - (Leaf Spring) - HO Scale"HGC" Two Piece Fully Equalized Trucks The Self-Centering Action trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw. "HGC" or High Gravity Compound, weighs nearly the same as Metal Trucks but with more detail & a 2 piece split bolster design for more efficient truck equalization, reduced axle friction for greater rolling performance. HO-Scale "HGC" Two Piece Fully Equalized Trucks Features: Self Centering Action - Trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Code 110 (.110) #520 33" Smooth Back Wheels "HGC" Weighs nearly the same as Metal Trucks Superior Rolling Ability Clip on Brake Pads Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Fully Equalized Trucks Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels Patent number 7,434,518 B2 Package Includes: (2) Each #582 Barber - Bettendorf Self Centering Caboose Truck (Leaf Spring) (assembled) (2) Clip on Brake Pads (2) Each Self Centering Bushing (2) Each #2 Screw The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 580 | Bettendorf - AAR Self Centering Caboose Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - HGC (HO Scale)
#580 Bettendorf - AAR Self Centering Caboose Trucks with 33" Smooth Back Wheels - (Leaf Spring) - HO Scale"HGC" Two Piece Fully Equalized Trucks The Self-Centering Action trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw. "HGC" or High Gravity Compound, weighs nearly the same as Metal Trucks but with more detail & a 2 piece split bolster design for more efficient truck equalization, reduced axle friction for greater rolling performance. HO-Scale "HGC" Two Piece Fully Equalized Trucks Features: Self Centering Action - Trucks self align themselves parallel with the car for easier placement on track. Code 110 (.110) #520 33" Smooth Back Wheels "HGC" Weighs nearly the same as Metal Trucks Superior Rolling Ability Clip on Brake Pads Accurate Markings Incredible Detail True to Prototype Non-Magnetic Metal Wheels Highly Flexible Fully Equalized Trucks Smooth tracking Free Rolling Contoured Insulated Plastic Axles RP-25 Free Rolling Wheels Patent number 7,434,518 B2 Package Includes: (2) Each #580 Bettendorf - AAR Self Centering Caboose Truck (Leaf Spring) (assembled) (2) Clip on Brake Pads (2) Each Self Centering Bushing (2) Each #2 Screw The term Code 110 and Code 88 relates to the width of the wheels and has no relationship to track code. Code 110 wheels are .110" wide and Code 88 are .088" wide. Code 110 wheels are the common (or "Standard") width wheels and Code 88 are what is called "Semi-Scale" and are used when the modeler wants a more prototypical looking wheel width. Actual HO-Scale prototypical wheel width would be around .067" wide and although they will run OK on the average track they will not go through common turnouts and crossings. Code 88 (.088") is just about the minimum width of wheel that will run on most standard or common track if gauged correctly. It really is a matter of appearances because there's very little operational differences between running Code 110 or Code 88 wheels. Code 88 wheels look really good and are most noticeable on open frame cars like hoppers and tank cars. However, they also look great on boxcars, gondolas, and reefers but not quite as noticeable. As mentioned above track code and wheel code have no relationship meaning Code 110 and Code 88 will run on most any code of track. Track code is simply the measured height of the rail, code 100 is .100" tall, code 83 is .083" tall, code 70 is .070" tall, and so on.
Kadee Kadee 451 | Extended Swing Gearbox & Whisker Metal Couplers - Medium (9/32") Centerset Shank
Body Mount Extended Swing Gearbox and Medium (9/32") Centerset Shank Whisker® Coupler for passenger or long freight cars allowing negotiating tighter radius curves. It is not recommended to use a metal coupler directly on a metal surface or in a metal draft gearbox to avoid possible electrical crossover and shorting that may cause damage. One pair per package HO-Scale Made in the U.S.A. Package Includes: (1) Pair #148 Whisker® Metal Couplers - Medium Centerset Shank (1) Pair #451 Gearboxes and lids (1) Pair Centering Bushings (1) Pair 0-80 x 1/8" Flat Machine Screws (1) Pair 2-56 x 3/8" Flat Machine Screws (1) Pair Bushing Centering Springs (1) Pair Assorted Shims (1) Extra Springs #148 Whisker® Metal Coupler Features: Material - Metal Shank Length - Medium (9/32") (center hole to back of coupler head) Coupler Offset - Centerset Knuckle Spring - #622 Centering System - Whisker® Head - Standard Head
Broadway Limited Imports Broadway Limited 7155 | 3-Bay Hopper, Chessie System (C&O), Black w/ Yellow, 2-pack B | N Scale
On the N&W, hopper cars were the most common type of freight cars on the roster - about a 4-to-1 ratio of hopper cars over all other cars combined. The H2a 3-Bay Hopper was the most common type, and was numbered from 15,500 - 25,499; 26,000 - 26,999; 28,500 - 29,999; and 31,000 - 31,999. That is one impressive class! N&W also leased these hopper cars to PRR and B&O where they were painted in their respective schemes. In this production run, we are offering models of three N&W paint schemes, one PRR scheme, and one B&O scheme. We are also building models of H2a cars painted in the liveries of four other major railroads who owned similar cars, and we have built four fantasy models that will add fun to your layout. The hopper car models come completely assembled and decorated. Each 2-pack contains two distinctive cars with different road numbers. Industry-leading Model Features: Plastic (ABS) body with ABS chassis Metal wheels and axles milled for Ultra-Smooth Friction-Free movement Detailed Underbody Removable Coal Load Detailed Interior Operating Knuckle Couplers Will Operate on Code 55, 70, and 80 rail Minimum Operating Radius: 9 inches.
Broadway Limited Imports Broadway Limited 7154 | 3-Bay Hopper, Chessie System (C&O), Black w/ Yellow, 2-pack A | N Scale
On the N&W, hopper cars were the most common type of freight cars on the roster - about a 4-to-1 ratio of hopper cars over all other cars combined. The H2a 3-Bay Hopper was the most common type, and was numbered from 15,500 - 25,499; 26,000 - 26,999; 28,500 - 29,999; and 31,000 - 31,999. That is one impressive class! N&W also leased these hopper cars to PRR and B&O where they were painted in their respective schemes. In this production run, we are offering models of three N&W paint schemes, one PRR scheme, and one B&O scheme. We are also building models of H2a cars painted in the liveries of four other major railroads who owned similar cars, and we have built four fantasy models that will add fun to your layout. The hopper car models come completely assembled and decorated. Each 2-pack contains two distinctive cars with different road numbers. Industry-leading Model Features: Plastic (ABS) body with ABS chassis Metal wheels and axles milled for Ultra-Smooth Friction-Free movement Detailed Underbody Removable Coal Load Detailed Interior Operating Knuckle Couplers Will Operate on Code 55, 70, and 80 rail Minimum Operating Radius: 9 inches.
Bachmann Bachmann 00724 | JINGLE BELL EXPRESS | HO Scale
The Jingle Bell Express rushes last-minute wishes from the North Pole to homes around the world. Decked out in red and green and carrying a sweet cargo of holiday treats, the Jingle Bell Express will deliver merry dreams around your Christmas tree for years to come. View the video below to see the set in action. This ready-to-run train set includes: • 0-6-0 steam locomotive with operating headlight and coal tender• single-dome tank car• box car• quad hopper• offset cupola caboose• 47" x 38" oval of E-Z Track®, including 12 pieces of curved track, 1 piece of straight track, and 1 plug-in terminal rerailer• power pack and speed controller• illustrated instruction manual